Sunday, September 30, 2012

Creating the soundboard

This soundboard is made from Englemann Spruce.  I did not get as good of a seam when joining the two halves together as I would have liked as the glue gelled on me very quickly.  I think it will hold fine it is just a bit unsightly. I didn't get any pictures of this step before cutting out the shape and the rosette.

So I first cut out the rosette design.  This is a tough task for me!  First a razor thin/sharp flat ended blade had to be ground and sharpened and the design is cut by cutting straight down into the pattern that gets glued onto the front.  It could be better but I'm pretty satisfied with it given my lack of wood working skills!

Here is a bit of a closer shot. 

Sorry this one is kind of dark but it is close enough with shadows to show the 3d chiseling.  I need to do some very fine sanding/detailing to smooth out some edges.  I may try the Dremel on slow speed with a very fine ceramic drum for this.

Now gluing on the bars a couple at a time.
Then setting weights on them to get a good fit.

All bars are in place and trimming has begun!
The trimmed bars completed!

A closeup of the rosette support.
Closeup of the trimmed bars at the bottom end.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A completed shell

So the endclasp is glued on and I just need to drill a hole for the peg and the the shell is complete.  Shown here clamped up and freshly glued.

 Here you can see the 'false' soundboard used to help the shell keep its proper form during construction.

And here it is with the clamps off.  Still needs some sanding and the spacer strips need to be dyed black as they lost their color during sanding.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Completing the shell

It's been a while since I've posted and I haven't gotten many pics but at this point

I've just completed getting all the ribs added and getting the endliner glued in and the glue strips inside the lute for reinforcement.

The pictures aren't the best but we have moved since my last post and I'm not setup yet to get better ones.

Next I need to add the endclasp around the outside of the lute bottom and then begin working on the soundboard!